You should update this document to reflect your T&C.

Below text serves as a suggestion and doesn’t engage Odoo S.A. responsibility.

  1. El cliente renuncia explícitamente a sus propias condiciones estándar, aunque éstas se hayan redactado con posterioridad a las presentes condiciones estándar de venta. Para que sea válida, cualquier derogación debe ser acordada expresamente por adelantado y por escrito.
  2. Nuestras facturas son pagaderas en un plazo de 21 días hábiles, salvo que se indique otro plazo de pago en la factura o en el pedido. En caso de impago en la fecha de vencimiento, Benditas Alitas Colombia se reserva el derecho de solicitar un pago de intereses fijos que ascienden al 10% de la suma restante adeudada. Benditas Alitas Colombia estará autorizada a suspender cualquier prestación de servicios sin previo aviso en caso de retraso en el pago.
  3. If a payment is still outstanding more than sixty (60) days after the due payment date, Benditas Alitas Colombia reserves the right to call on the services of a debt recovery company. All legal expenses will be payable by the client.
  4. Certain countries apply withholding at source on the amount of invoices, in accordance with their internal legislation. Any withholding at source will be paid by the client to the tax authorities. Under no circumstances can Benditas Alitas Colombia become involved in costs related to a country's legislation. The amount of the invoice will therefore be due to Benditas Alitas Colombia in its entirety and does not include any costs relating to the legislation of the country in which the client is located.
  5. Benditas Alitas Colombia undertakes to do its best to supply performant services in due time in accordance with the agreed timeframes. However, none of its obligations can be considered as being an obligation to achieve results. Benditas Alitas Colombia cannot under any circumstances, be required by the client to appear as a third party in the context of any claim for damages filed against the client by an end consumer.
  6. Para que sea admisible, Benditas Alitas Colombia deberá ser notificada de cualquier reclamación mediante carta enviada por correo certificado a su domicilio social dentro de los 8 días siguientes a la entrega de los bienes o la prestación de los servicios.
  7. All our contractual relations will be governed exclusively by Colombia law.